Saturday, 1 May 2010


Trapped in a mind set - 

Whether you think you can or think you can't you are right.
I never realised how powerful our inner thoughts can be when we say the same negative things over and over again. Having had some training and reading about vicious cycles in our minds, I'm seeing that they keep us stuck and hold us back from fulfilling a new desire.
This week I have had a trapped nerve in my bottom of my back which hasn't felt great, but as the pain from this nerve started to release I started seeing something.

While the nerve was out of alignment there was a painful problem, things didn't work as they should. My walking was slow, my balance was off centre, I struggled to put my trainers on. The pain was stopping the action I couldn't do anything, I had to wait till the nerve re-aligned. After the nerve went back into a correct position, I felt a shift in pain and I could now correct my balance, put my trainers on and start to forget the pain.
The difficulty was the memory of that pain, this was stopping my complete healing. Every time I started to pull my trainers on the memory made me straighten to avoid a pain that I was expecting, but it was not real. 
The memory was stopping me now, not the pain.

I believe this principle is a great deception the enemy is using for a lot of people today. When you risk and try new desires in 2010 watch out for the memory of past hurts try to overwhelm you. You are allowing the thought of the pain to stop you from achieving your goals. Refuse to be trapped.
I believe as you step out in what God is re-aligning you in and what you want to achieve, you will find complete strength to become and do as your heart desires. 

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of our hearts" - Psalm 37:4